Friday 13 May 2011

Ayurvedic Cooking

Ayurveda has a theory that some food a drug, or poison may be based on eating, "what is consumed, and" how much is consumed, for example. Fresh ginger root, "who" and the food tastes delicious in the kitchen as a digestive aid. It is a stimulant drug to help clear a cold and induce a sweat when taken as a strong hot tea. Can you have too much, it's sick you can reverse acidity and therefore acting as a poison in the wrong circumstances, causes no strict 'Ayurvedic diet' In fact, the only wise healthy diet recommendations to help you and more. Delicious help guide you toward better health.
However, consumption is the most important activity is believed that health could be affected. While eating a habit and an addiction to something, it's to change their eating habits as healthy foods that are rejuvenating and life can strengthen the capacity to include.It is a good habit. Herbal remedies, massage, exercise and spiritual practice to balance and health a "good" plan that gives us the opportunity every day to take control of our health can though.
Generally speaking, Ayurveda considers that the best food to include rice, barley, wheat, are beans, asparagus, grapes, pomegranate, ginger, ghee, milk and honey, kidney bean. It is further recommended that normally it is best to heavy meat, cheese, yogurt, salt, refined, processed foods, refined sugar, coffee, tomatoes, bananas lemon, and to avoid regular use of black lentils.
Ayurveda treatments cause practical positive health lifestyle theory is detailed, covering all aspects of life.
Remember that your digestion of food depends of course:
Digestive Fire in Ayurveda called a large fire • • the right food in right quantity and quality of the fair foods • healthy diet based on ayurvedic principles, combining
Here are some Ayurvedic healthy eating:
• Eat according to your constitution Weather in the organic farming • Eat fresh foods. • Eat mostly cooked food warm. • Eat foods that light, fresh and rejuvenating are. • Use leftovers Minimize, canned, frozen or canned. • do not eat many raw foods and what cool straight from the refrigerator • do not eat many raw foods and cooked with what one. • Do not consume food Cons: dairy products and fruit, melon, after other foods, other foods, fish and milk, eggs, milk or with yogurt, milk, fruit with lemon, butter and honey dark, right After parts yogurt (3:1 by weight), baked honey. • Avoid eating very fast or take. • Eat only when hungry and drink when thirsty. Leave 4-6 hours between meals. • When you water your diet, food and slowly adjust to changes in climate can negatively affect your digestive journey. • a range of food with digestive spices extreme properties
Other problems with digestion
Digestive imbalances and external pathogenic bacteria in the digestive system over a major cause of junk food, travel or illness raised unresolved;. Giardia, worms, imbalanced bacteria, Candida. These effective anti-parasitic herbs like neem should be eliminated by using.
Only fully deplete the integrity of the intestinal flora balance, as the necessary use of antibiotics and outbreaks of pathogenic bacteria can be unhealthy.
Use of analgesics and NSAIDs only when absolutely necessary.Two unbalanced use of analgesics and antibiotics is one of the most common causes of digestive

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